Self-study guide


This Self-study guide is a step-by-step approach for learning Carnatic music. The Lessons in this guide can be followed one after another. Study these lessons at your own pace.  

Shruti box setup 

The Pitch of each Note is not fixed in Carnatic music. The pitch is typically set using a reference note or shruti. The base note Sa is sung on the reference shruti and other notes such as Ri Ga Ma are sung relative to this reference shruti. 

We use a Shruti box or a Shruti mobile app to set the reference Shruti. Some suggested Shruti apps are "Shruti Box" and "iShruti". 

Tip: Male voices typically have a low frequency. Hence, use C in Tanpura for Male voices and G# for Female voices. 

Self-assess and improve your tonal recognition

Tonal recognition or tonal perception, is the ability to identify and recognize musical elements related to Shruti (pitch) and tonality. It involves recognizing and distinguishing different musical tones, pitches, intervals, scales, and chords by ear. Tonal recognition is an essential skill in music. 

You can use various Ear Training Apps and Videos to assess and improve your tonal recognition. 

Other important points to consider

Pay attention to the many important points mentioned in the "As you start" section of this site during your music learning journey. 

Lesson 0

The initial lessons in learning Carnatic music typically starts with an understanding of basic Music concepts and learning to sing the seven Swaras. In Carnatic music, there are seven Swaras: Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni. Students learn to sing and recognize these notes. 

Basic exercises - Sarali Varisai